The High Ticket Coaching Funnel That Generated a 4,034% ROI – My Clickfunnels Guest Post

Below is an article I wrote on the Clickfunnels Blog in January, 2016. I wanted to repost it here for you – its got same great lessons. Enjoy!

If you’re a Coach, Consultant or Marketer – pay attention.

I want to show you how to leverage Facebook Marketing & ClickFunnels to get more leads & clients, grow your coaching business & generate a crazy ROI.

In this Case Study, I’ve outlined the entire process from strategising & building the right sales funnel for your business, writing converting copy that resonates with your target audience, running Facebook Ads, making sales for your coaching business and everything in between.


After spending the last few years running different campaigns and building a bunch of funnels in multiple niches, I wanted to share the best things I’ve discovered to help you maximize your own sales funnel and grow your business.

And there’s no better way to do that then break down a proven, converting funnel.

[Case Study] – The High Ticket Coaching Funnel That Generated a 4,000% ROI

The Business – Winning International

Firstly, let me give you the background on the business.

Winning International is a business founded by Ryan Magdziarz (left) in 2014. Winning trains coaches on how to grow their business & change lives on their way to reaching 7 figures.

This includes many different kinds of coaches such as business, life, health, fitness, financial, dating and more.

Winning International achieves this by offering coaches 2 core, results-based programs – 6 Figure Coach & 7 Figure Coach – for coaches looking to grow their business and impact the world.

Our goal was to generate more leads and increase sales for both programs.

As Winning has an in-house sales team, we decided we would treat leads for both programs the same initially, and have the sales people qualify on each call, to decide which program was right for each person.

The goal for the funnel was to generate Strategy Sessions with as many qualified leads as possible.

The key here was to ensure they were qualified, so we weren’t wasting the time of the sales staff.

With that in mind, here’s what we did:


The Coaching niche Ryan specifically wanted to focus on was Fitness Coaches & Personal Trainers.

This is a competitive niche with a lot of coaching programs targeting PT’s, so we knew we would need great execution from the start.

As far as the funnel goes, there are a few different funnel we had when it comes to generating strategy sessions with qualified leads, including:

1) Webinar Funnel


2Run a paid traffic campaign to a Webinar Funnel and offer a Strategy Session to Webinar interested participants.


2) High Ticket Funnel




Create a video series of valuable content that solves the biggest problems PT’s were having in their business.

Offer a Strategy Session as a Call-To-Action for the interested prospects.


3) Tripwire Funnel


4Offer a lead magnet solving a problem for PT’s, and then Low Ticket Item with a Bonus Strategy Session to prospects in the funnel.

The Low Ticket Item would be an extension of the Lead Magnet, to ensure congruence, and then the two coaching programs 6 & 7 figure coach again built on that.

Ultimately all 3 of these options have their own merit, and I believe all 3 of them would work equally as well. Without trying to give a generic marketing answer as to which one we chose – the only thing left to do was, yep – you guessed it – TEST them.

We started with the Tripwire Funnel.

The reason for this is I had actually created a tripwire funnel about 6 months before I started working with Ryan that targeted this same audience.

I had created a Lead Magnet, and a $7 Case Study Tripwire, both for Personal Trainers, that were converting well – so we decided to get straight to testing it for this new project.

When I went to build out this funnel initially, I started with developing a Marketing Hook for a Lead Magnet.

From my research, which included surveying PT’s to find the biggest pain points and problems they had in their business, the most common answer was gaining clients.

I knew being able to solve this problem with some simple advice would make a great Lead Magnet.At the time, I recalled a 9-word email by Dean Jackson that works amazingly well for generating clients from dead leads on an email list, so I created a free report that included this email and showed exactly how to use it. I called the report “Get 10 PT Client’s in 5 Days.”

I called the report “Get 10 PT Client’s in 5 Days.”

I tested this as a Facebook Ad, and it resulted in leads for just $1 each in a competitive niche.

Once I knew this marketing hook converted well, I turned the ads off and set about creating a Tripwire I could use to escalate prospects through the funnel.

From my research, I knew another limitation Personal Trainers had been using Facebook to generate leads. Also, the 9 Word Email wouldn’t really work if you didn’t have a list to begin with.

So I created an opt-in funnel a Personal Trainer could use, that gave away a free workout program. I generated 11 leads for under $30 on Facebook using this process, and I turned these results into a Case Study, which I sold for $7, showing PT’s how to use Facebook and Generate Leads.

When I tested it, it also converted well, and I was acquiring customers at break-even.

There was only one remaining issue at this point – I had no back end, and no intention of creating a coaching program or going any further with the experiment at this point, so I stopped running ads and put the project on the side.

Once I met Ryan and started working with him – we discussed how we could generate more leads and sales for 6 & 7 figure coach.

We brought the same funnel out and made one distinct change to it – we added a bonus strategy session to the funnel for anyone who bought the case study.

This gave both an added incentive to purchase and the strategy sessions we wanted.

Funnel Structure



I want to break down in detail regarding the specific design, layout, copy & features of the funnel so you can understand how to replicate best it in your own business.

Firstly, when building this out in Clickfunnels, I rolled with the Sell Your Product > Sales Funnel Selection choices.




For the page templates – I chose ‘Simple Two Column Opt In’ for the lead magnet page and Ology Sales for the thank you / sales page to follow.

I love the Ology Sales Template if you have a sales page with long form copy on it. I’ve used it across a bunch of different niches and funnels with great results.

I’ve used it across a bunch of different niches and funnels with great results.



Landing Page

  1. Design & Layout

With the design of the pages, we chose bright colors consistent with the Winning International branding.

The main ‘conversion’ feature of the opt-in page is the fact its split into two columns. The reason this is advantageous is on mobile; it shows one stacked on top of the other.

This gives the Headline, bullet point copies with benefits to the prospect, immediately followed by the image – which is the Facebook Ad (I discuss the specifics of this further below) – with the input form for the opt-in.

One key measure to consider here is that I left the name & email input on the landing page itself, rather than using a light box or a pop-up. The reason for this is some mobiles don’t work well with popups, so I didn’t want this to effect the conversion. The page converted at around 52% which I was more than happy with.

  1. Copy

I’m a copywriter, so I wrote all of the copy for the funnel. I didn’t follow any particular formula as such, rather than just:

  • Sub Headline – this tells the prospect more about what to expect, or what specifically they are getting from opting into your funnel. In this case, it’s an email marketing strategy.
  • Call out your market – it’s more important to have this in your ads specifically, so you should just be stating this here for congruency.
  • Marketing Hook / Benefit Laced Headline – Ideally, your target client should know what benefit they are getting just from reading your headline. If they don’t, you will have an immediate negative impact on your conversion rate. After stating this benefit / promise, you need to back it up with how or why it’s possible.
  • Bullets – Elaborate on your offer in a clear and succinct manner with some irresistible bullet points to entice your prospect into wanting your offer.

One final point to keep in mind – the best lead magnets, and for that matter marketing offers, are always incredibly specific.

In that case, your copy should be brief, and not over the top.

If you have to write a lot to convince someone they should give you their name and email for a free offer, it’s obviously not specific enough.

This will have an impact on conversions.


8 Sales Page

  1. Design & Layout

The design on the sales page is typical of any long form sales letter you would have seen.

It is a long letter of the text, with a specific structure here to set out all the information cleanly.

I will briefly touch on some of the key aspects of this page.

The sales page converted at 5% from just the opt-in, without any email follow up. We also continued to ensure funnel congruency by keeping the same colors from the landing page, throughout the rest of the funnel.

  1. Copy

We had the following structure with the sales letter in terms of sales copy:

  • Acknowledgment – firstly, acknowledge the prospect for having downloaded your first offer. Far too many people ignore this critical part and move straight into the sale for the next step on their value ladder. This can get prospects off on the wrong foot.
  • Bridge – to extend on point (a), make sure you bridge the prospects from the report to what they need next. Acknowledge them for taking the first step, and then gently explain why they are missing a piece in the puzzle and how they can get to the next level.
  • Headline – this goes without saying. Explain what they are going to get with benefit / promise based headline.
  • Body of the Sales Letter – I won’t go into every little detail with the letter, but my advice is to follow a formula like PASPA when writing sales copy:

– Problem
– Aggravation
– Solution
– Proof
– Action

If you can remember a formula like that, it will help you to write copy that converts even cold traffic.

  • Testimonials – I’ve jumped from the body into the ‘Proof’ aspect of the above formula. Make sure you include testimonials from previous clients to build trust.
  • Bullets – Add bullet copy into your sales letter. You can add the most important benefits in as a bullet, which brings attention from the reader and gives extra punch to your sales message.
  • Call to Action – Make sure you have solid CTA’s telling the prospect to take action and buy your offer. This goes without saying.
  • Guarantee – Always add a guarantee, whether it be 30 or 60 days, to stand behind your product. It adds trust & credibility, and will help to increase your conversion rate.
  • Bonus – I add a bonus to all offers to increase desire. Don’t overdo this with tripwire offers. I see people add a lot of bonuses in and this can make it harder to sell other offers in your funnel, as you train prospects to expect a lot for not much money. In this funnel, we gave a free strategy session with the case study.
  • Post Script – Make sure you add P.S. & P.P.S to your offers, as some people will skim your entire sales letter and only read what’s below your final sign off. Include a summary of the offer and the bonus here.

From here, we only had the Order Form & Thank You Page remaining. The order form was standard and maintained the same design aspects as above.

The Thank You Page had a video of Ryan, thanking them for purchasing the case study and explaining that a sales person would be in touch to organize their strategy session.

With the funnel built out and ready to run, all we had to do was set up some Facebook Ads, and we could get started.



For the Facebook Campaign, we already had the offer & the marketing hook. Given this, the copy was very straight forward to put together. The text at the top of the ad was simply:

“If you’re a Personal Trainer and want 10 New Clients in the next 5 Days – download this Email Template NOW!”

With the Headline being: “Free Email Template”. Both of these pieces of copy are incredibly clear and concise, which, when paired with the right targeting lead to a high Click-Through-Rate (CTR).

For the image, I had been experimenting with cartoons in a few other campaigns and decided to try a cartoon holding weights with the Marketing Hook in the image, as you can see below.




It turns out these ads performed very well, with a high relevance score, low negative feedback, and good opt-in rates.


For the targeting, I created a conversion campaign and initially created two ad sets. These were for each audience I was targeting, which happened to be two Facebook pages that already had an audience of Personal Trainers.

When I run ads, I create each ad set with just one interest, so I can see which interest leads to the highest conversions for when the campaign gets scaled.

After this was set up, we started the campaign and ran it for the first few weeks in December 2015.


After 2 weeks of running the campaign, we were able to analyze the results and figure out whether anything needed to be changed or tweaked. The results we achieved and ROI generated proved the campaign a great success.

Facebook Ad Manager



We generated nearly 500 leads from $935 in ad spend. With a lead cost of less than $2, and high CTR’s & Relevance Scores on the ads, the cartoon image and copy on the ads were right on point.

The landing page converted cold traffic at 51% that was a great result without any optimization. This screenshot was taken a few days earlier, but tells the story quite accurately:



Of the 51% of people who landed on the thank you page, 5% of them bought the $7 case study, which provided us with phone numbers, to pass on to the sales staff who then rang the customers and booked them in for a strategy session.

The breakdown of numbers, from December 1st to 17th shows:

– 492 Conversions: 469 Leads & 23 Sales

– $935 spent on Ads

– 23 Sales @ $7 = $161 Revenue

Total Ad Cost = 935 – 161 = $774

Not everyone from the 23 sales was booked in for a call. Naturally some people weren’t interested, which is to be expected.

Of those the Winning Team spoke with, 4 Sales were made across the two programs, coming to a total of $32,000.

This produced an ROI of 4,034% – which of course is a great result.

This case study only covers the first two weeks in December.We will conduct more testing, optimization and strategy call in the weeks and months to come, to improve the ROI.

We will conduct more testing, optimization and strategy call in the weeks and months to come, to improve the ROI.


After breaking down this funnel and spending hours chewing over the data, I came to the conclusion there were 5 main reasons why this strategy worked so well.

  1. Clearly Defined Starving Market

Firstly, and most importantly, this market is hungry for the solution. Personal Training is an incredibly competitive niche, so it is an evergreen market that will always need to learn how to generate leads and acquire clients.

This is the differentiating factor in most successful marketing campaigns.

While there are tons of other aspects of success, as you can see above, selling something that a market segment is desperate for will always be the most important part of a campaign.

  1. Relevant Offers

Both the Lead Magnet and Case Study Tripwire’s solved the biggest problems Personal Trainers have and are incredibly relevant offers.

The first shows how to get more clients by Email, and the second by Facebook.

The first thing you need to consider when a campaign flops, is, are the offers relevant? Do they solve the biggest problem my market has?

Once you can do this, you are well on your way to success.

  1. Sharp, Specific Ad Targeting

With the Targeting on the Ads, I selected a hyper-responsive audience that I knew from my research was full of Personal Trainers.

This meant that regardless all of the offers and copy and marketing pieces, I was getting in front of the right people. I can’t understate how important this is.

  1. High Converting Copy

There will never be a substitute for great sales copy.

Having great copy in your sales funnel is worth every cent it costs to have a great copywriter produce it. Never underestimate it.

Never underestimate it.

  1. Highly Skilled Sales Team

I have to recognize Ryan and his incredibly skilled Sales Team.

These results wouldn’t have been possible without it. Having a sales team that produces great results is essential to any high ticket sales funnel.

Split Testing

You may look at the above and wonder why I didn’t run one split test (at this point in time). The reason is very simple. I believe split testing is one of the BIGGEST wastes of time when you first build a funnel.

This may be controversial, but far too often I see people split testing either elements that don’t make a statistically significant difference, or they aren’t running enough traffic to pages to determine if the split test has an impact.

If you complete your research properly and know your market well, you shouldn’t have to run a split test until you’ve spent more than $1,000 in traffic and are looking to optimize your funnel.

Which I will be doing moving forward.


So there you have it.

Inside a High Ticket Coaching Funnel with a 4000% ROI.

I’d love to hear your thoughts & questions in the comments below!

5,170 Leads, 302 Strategy Calls and $132,500 in Sales: The 1,2,3 Knockout Funnel for Coaches

This is an article I’ve been pumped to write for a while. If you want to see how you can produce an incredibly simple, 2 step funnel that literally prints cash… read on.

Before I get into the nitty gritty, let me explain how this happened…


Speaking in Phuket, Thailand


It was November, 2016 and I was speaking at a marketing event in Phuket, Thailand.

At this event, I met Leanne from Mind Over Muffin. She had a 1 on 1 coaching program to help women overcome emotional eating.

Now, at the time, her program was $3,000 and it went for 8 weeks. She would get on the phone for a 1 on 1 session, once per week with each client – which as you can imagine – was a massive drain on her resources.

When we met, I told her she needed to move her $3,000 program to $5,000 and create a leveraged group program for $3,000.

She would provide one webinar training per week and a Membership Site to deliver all of her content.

Initially, she was a little bit freaked out by this massive step up in what she needed to do.

But to give her massive credit – as she is a large part of why this campaign was so successful – she took it on board and did the one thing that most people never do… she took massive action.

When I arrived back in Melbourne in December 2016 – we started working together. 12 months later – the SAME campaign was still running and producing incredible results, which were:

– 5,165 Leads
– 302 Strategy Calls
–  $21,352.82 Ad spend
– $132,500 Sales

All of this, from a program she hadn’t even created when we met. She also kept her 1 on 1 clients at a higher price and has since started running exotic retreats in Bali.

Pretty cool stuff.

So… maybe you’re a coach wondering how you can generate qualified strategy sessions?

Perhaps you have a different kind of business and you’re looking for inspiration?

Or, you could be another marketer looking to steal my work for free calling yourself a “funnel hacker” so you can make money with it…

Either way – read this blog to the end and I’ll share with you exactly what I did, so you can achieve similar results.


1. Strategy

When it comes to generating more leads and sales with marketing, strategy is incredibly important. Far too many people, are attempting to sell their offers and programs to cold traffic – as in, people that have never heard of them before.

With the correct strategy in place and the right marketing funnel – it’s possible to convert cold traffic with your offer.

So… when I start to develop a strategy – we get crystal clear on the end goal. “What do we want to achieve with this marketing campaign?”.

In this case, Leanne wanted to make sales into her $3,000 group program. In this program, Leanne helps women overcome Emotional Eating, and teaches them how to deal with cravings, and make the right food choices, so they can have the body of their dreams.

Leanne helped women under 40 in Australia achieve a body transformation through her program. As I had experience with this market from the webinar funnel I built – I was already ahead of the game.

I knew this would be a really good market to target on Facebook, and I also knew we could generate quick results.

This time however, I decided to go for a different funnel strategy. Instead of using a webinar, I decided to make a simple opt-in funnel, where the prospect could book a call with Leanne directly on the second page.

Now… why did I do this?


1) By creating a new program for Leanne and increasing her prices dramatically, I was already stretching her out of her comfort zone somewhat. I knew there were other ways to generate great results without her also having to learn how to create a webinar and close attendees into a call.

2) This would be much faster to build. As always – nothing is guaranteed in marketing. I wanted to test a simpler to funnel to see if we could generate sales – if not, we could do something else. But if we did… we could scale it and drive massive revenue growth with minimal hassle.

So – here is a diagram with the funnel structure. As you can see, it’s quite basic:


Marketing Funnel Strategy

I call it the 1,2,3 Knockout Funnel for Coaches because its just 3 simple steps.Now, whenever I create a Marketing Strategy, I will always breakdown the metrics so I know what I’m aiming for. This is a process I learned from my good mate Ricky Baldasso from Metric Driven Marketer – if you go here you can check out his funnel ROI calculators.

So… whenever I have a strategy session funnel, I will typically aim to pay $100 for a call. However, in this case, my expectation was to pay $50 per call.

Why is that?

Well, for starters, the person opting in for the call didn’t need to go through a full application process, like they did in Niyc’s funnel here – which did $100k in sales in the first month.

As the level of resistance for the prospect is lower, I expect a higher conversion rate.

On top of that, the niche is much less competitive than the business coaching / consulting space, so I know I can get away with a much lower cost per call.

So – with a goal of $50 per call in mind, I calculate the rest:

Cost Per Strategy Call = $50
Strategy Call Page Conversion Rate = 10%
Cost Per Opt In = $5

With this I had my goals.

Essentially, this means I can afford to pay $5 per lead on the front end of the funnel, as long as I convert 10% on the second page – I will hit my goal.

One thing to note here is, I always tell my clients that the goal of a marketing campaign when you sell a high ticket product (over $2,000), is to generate a 10X ROI on your marketing spend.

So – if you sell your program for $3,000, you can afford to spend $300 to acquire a client and still make 10X.

If you can spend $300 to acquire a client, and you pay $50 per strategy call, you only need to convert 1 in 6 to make 10x.

If you convert 1 in 3, you’ll make 20X. But if you pay $100 per call, you MUST enrol 1 in 3 people into your program for your 10X ROI.

I’m sure you get my point.

To recap however:

$3,000 Program
$300 Cost per Customer Acquisition (for 10X ROI)
16% of Sales Calls Closed (1 in 6 calls)

$50 Strategy Call (to get $300 CPA)
10% of Leads Book a Call
$5 Leads

This will make more sense when you see the funnel, but understand that these are the baseline numbers I aim for. That way, I can review how they look further down the track and go from there.


2. Build

After mapping the strategy and metrics out, its time to get down and dirty. For this, we used Clickfunnels as the landing page builder and Active Campaign for Email Marketing / CRM.

When we started working together, Leanne already had an eBook that she had written we could immediately use. I’m a big believer in using the marketing assets you already have available at your disposal, as long as they fit into the strategy, so you can generate sales quickly.

It never ceases to amaze me when people talk about marketing and advertising, but their first and primary concern ISN’T making money. Like… what the hell else are we doing it for folks?

But that’s a rant for another time.

Leanne had the eBook created, so the only tweak I made was to the headline. She called the book: “3 Secret Steps to Stop Eating When You’re Stressed, Bored, Overwhelmed or Wanting Happiness”.


Leanne’s Free eBook Cover

I kept the cover exactly the same, but tweaked the headline slightly for the landing page and ads. I changed it to: “3 Secrets to Crush Emotional Eating when Stressed, Bored or Overwhelmed”.

As a copywriter first and foremost, there are 3 changes I made and here’s why:

1) I took out ‘steps’ – it fits in perfectly, but it’s unnecessary and just adds length to the cover that doesn’t need to be there.

2) I removed “wanting happiness” – due to the ‘power of 3’ rule. Have you ever noticed how when we tell a joke, the punchline is always on the third point? It’s been proven time and time again, that when it comes to persuasion and influence, having only 3 options, or punchlines, or adjectives in a sentence is far more powerful than 2, 4 or any other number. You can read about it in this Business Insider article. So I just took out the last point, as the headline flows better.

3) I changed ‘Stop Eating’ to ‘Crush Emotional Eating’. This is for a few reasons. For starters, Crush is far more powerful as a word than Stop. Likewise, Emotional Eating is the specific problem we want to address – and we want to attract people that are aware of that problem.

Now, with that finished, I set about building the landing page for the start of the funnel – and I followed a specific format:


Screenshot of Landing Page

1. Clear Header with logo and branding displayed

2. Headline, Call to Action Button and Image related to the Offer

3. Bullet Points explaining the Offer. Here I will always have the 3 – 4 biggest benefits the prospect will receive when they opt in. I finish this with a Call to Action.

4. Testimonials from Existing Clients. For this, we used Leanne’s current 1 on 1 clients.

5. Call To Action Bar

6. Bio of Leanne – you can see both of these if you want to view the landing page here.

It really is that simple. I used a mixture of on brand colours for the landing page to make all of the copy contrast well and help to improve conversions.


Now, on to the consult page.

In terms of design, you can see we went with pale, brand consistent colours with simple and easy to read font. Most importantly, we maintained congruency with the landing page to maintain trust for the entire customer journey through the funnel.

This may seem obvious, but you’d be amazed at the amount of time I see horrendous landing page design with hard to read font.


Screenshot of Consult Page


With this page, I want to break down the important psychological elements in the copy and why it’s been written this way. It’s very similar to the consult page I create for this funnel here.

Make sure you read the article. It’s another example of how the same offer can work for different people in the same market. You just need to figure out what that offer is.


1. Acknowledgement: Always acknowledge the action a prospect has taken, before making another offer. Simply just congratulate them, and then position your upgraded offer, which in this case is the strategy call. If you ignore this one line of copy, it can drastically affect your conversion rate.

2. Bridge: The next step is to ‘bridge’ them to the new offer. For this funnel, we simply said – “Now what?… if you’re like me, once you’ve made a decision to change something… You want to get a head-start, right?”. To drive someone to take action, you tease them with the idea of solving the pain they are having much sooner.

3. Offer & Call To Action: I will next present the offer, which in this case is a 1 on 1 Emotional Eating Audit, where Leanne helps her clients breakthrough whatever is holding them back with their diet, before offering them more help in her program. The Call To Action is placed twice throughout this.

4. You’ll Walk Away With: After this first CTA, there are bullet points in the next section that highlight the specific benefits of the call, to further entice the prospect, before the final CTA button.

5. Testimonials: Again, Testimonials are placed on this page, that show the results Leanne’s clients have received as a result of working with her. Below this we place another Call to Action, just like the landing page had. It’s important to add as many as possible.

6. Bio and Final CTA: Again – Leanne’s bio is added at the bottom of the page to further solidify her credibility and build trust with the prospect.


If a prospect opts in for a phone call, they would then reach the final thank you page. Now, it’s worth noting that if they go straight through the funnel and opt in, they haven’t actually been indoctrinated about Leanne or any of her work properly.

The good news is – this is to be expected. When a prospect goes through such a simple process – the sale will likely be more difficult. However, the price per call will be a lot cheaper, so it’s a great place to start for most coaches.

3. Facebook Campaign

As always, I run Facebook traffic to my funnels. In this section, I break the ads in terms of the main two critical factors – Creatives Targeting.


Given the offer on the front end of the funnel, which was: “3 Secrets to Crush Emotional Eating when Stressed, Bored or Overwhelmed” – the ad was always going to follow a very similar format.

Now, when I first launched the ads, we actually had a lot of trouble getting reach. No matter what I tried, manual bidding, automatic, different placements, Facebook would not serve the ads. Eventually, I shortened the ad copy down to just a few lines and this worked the trick.

It was weird, because they didn’t ban or disapprove the ad, they just obviously stopped serving it and had an issue with it. This is most likely due to the fact the ad mentioned “emotional eating” – as dieting is a sensitive topic when it comes to Facebook’s ad policy.

Either way – this is what the ad looked like:

First Facebook Ad

I initially had slightly longer copy.

However after taking out the body of the copy where I talked about the pain around emotional eating and weight loss – the ad got approved and started reaching the intended audience.

I tested a few different images however – as you’ll see when you reach the results below – the results were very conclusive from the get go.


When I launched the conversion campaign – I started out with 3 ad sets. I had one interest in each audience I was targeting, which included:

– I Quit Sugar
– Michelle Bridges: 12 Week Body Transformation
– Weight Watchers

After launching, I will always extensively test interests. I will look at demographics from within each audience of an interest.

Does a certain age bracket, or area, or device convert better for each interest? If it is relevant, I will look at gender data too.

Once the campaign got going, I set up a retargeting ad set, and an audience that included anyone who had visited Leanne’s website. Naturally, the website visitors were far cheaper than the cold, interest based audiences.

We then launched the campaign – It was December 2016 when this began.

4. Results

This is truly one of my favourite campaigns. We literally ran it for nearly one year, with minimal changes. Just management, optimisation and testing. But the core part of the funnel stayed the same – which shows how truly powerful it is when you have a solid strategy.

Here are the Facebook Results from December 1, 2016 to December 1, 2017:

Facebook Ads Manager: Leads Numbers

As you can see, from Facebook’s ad manager, we generated 6,430 leads at $3.32 per lead – a total ad spend of $21,352.82.

You can also see that 432 strategy calls were booked at $49.43 per session:

Facebook Ads Manager: Strategy Session Numbers

Now… if you’ve read this far, you are probably thinking – but those numbers are different to the ones in the headline James?

And yes – you are correct. Because here’s the thing:

Facebook’s pixel is sometimes inaccurate, so you need to check how many leads and calls actually came into the system, which is why I always cross reference it with Clickfunnels.

As you can see, this show’s the actual reality:

Funnel Data as reported through Clickfunnels

5,165 Leads, 302 Strategy Calls. The conversion rate for the landing page was 67.45% and for the call page was 6.13%. This changes the overall metrics. We know these Clickfunnels values are accurate because the actual leads contact information is attached to Clickfunnels.

On top of that, here is the growth of Leanne’s email list as shown across the same time period in Active Campaign.

Active Campaign User Growth


2502.14% growth.

When we started working together in December 2016, her email list had 281 people. Today it has over 7,300 – which is a staggering result. A whole new list of warm prospects that she can nurture and sell to for life. Although I must note that about 2,000 of those came from other marketing sources.

Very cool.

So – to recap the metrics:

Ad spend: $21,352.82
Strategy Calls: 302
Cost per Call: $70.70
Leads: 5,165
Cost per Lead: $4.13
Sales: $128,500

I want to explain something here that is very relevant in this case. Leanne put a lot of work into sales and closing people into her program. I am proud to admit, that this is one of the main reasons this funnel was successful. Leanne made $96,000 from selling the course she created, and the remaining $32,500 from upgrading some of these clients into retreats she ran. Leanne is truly amazing and deserves a tonne of credit for booking the sales calls and closing them. She’s a superstar!

5. Analysis

Looking back at this campaign now, there are 3 reasons why it worked so well.

1. Crystal clear market with a solid offer

Leanne new her market well and was already generating massive results. This made it easy to create an offer that appealed to the market.

2. Great Marketing with the right strategy & a concise message

The marketing strategy was perfect for this niche. The message resonated with consumers in this market, which made them interested in both Leanne and the subject matter. The marketing, being well executed, lead them to take action.

3. Strong sales focused on helping other people

As I said – Leanne is great at sales and empowering people to take action, which makes a massive difference to the end result of this kind of marketing funnel.

Anyway – I hope you enjoyed this post! That’s all for now.

Let me know your thoughts and comments below.


$26,400 in Sales in 15 Days: The Ultimate Webinar Funnel for Coaches

PLUS – 1 Simple Funnel Tweak that Increased Strategy Session Bookings by Over 400%

If you’d like to see how you can create a webinar funnel that converts a high percentage of cold traffic into high-ticket clients within your business, then make sure you read every word on this page.

What you’re about to discover is the process I went through with a client who’s a certified hypnotherapist & mindset coach. She helps women over 45 to rewire their mindset & lose weight.

I’m going to show you how we took her business and created a high converting webinar funnel that generated strategy sessions for around $15 each.

We then went on to make $26,400 from spending just $520 on Facebook ads. If you’d like to see how you can generate the same results in your business – pay attention.

Webinars are obviously a super effective tool. In this post I’ll show you how to combine a solid webinar strategy with Facebook marketing, to create a sales funnel that prints cash – literally.

The business I’m going to be talking to you about was founded by Maggie Wilde also known as ‘The Potentialist’. She was referred to me by a friend to develop a plan to generate more qualified strategy session leads for her hypnotherapy business.

I’m going to break down in this post the strategy we went through, how I went about building it, what tools I used and some of the features of the funnel.

I’ll cover the Facebook campaign, including the ads & targeting, and then break down the results and show you the numbers.

I’ve included screenshots below so you can see for yourself and I’m going to show you exactly how you can generate the same results in your business.

As I said, Maggie is a hypnotherapist & master NLP practitioner who runs a clinic in Melbourne, Australia. Basically when I commence working on a new project to generate leads for coaches & consultants, I start with developing a marketing strategy.

1 – Strategy

When developing a marketing strategy, the first step is to ask “What do we actually want to achieve here?” and identify the goal of the campaign. With Maggie – the goal was to get qualified strategy sessions booked in for her premium program, ‘Emotional Eating Solutions’ (or EES for short).

In EES, Maggie teaches women how to rewire their brain using NLP. This helps them to overcome yoyo dieting, comfort & emotional eating to lose weight and improve their quality of life. It’s a really great thing that she does.

Her target market is women over 45, which I already knew would be a great market to target using Facebook Ads. This is because its a niche that isn’t heavily targeted with ads, like say men between 18 & 35 who are small business owners.

Maggie’s sales process consisted of 2 steps.

The first was to book a prospect into what she called a “Rewire Session” where she takes them through exercises that begin to rewire parts of the brain. If they are qualified for her program, she then ascends them into EES.

Maggie wanted to have more qualified strategy sessions in her calendar every single week.

The best way to qualify prospects for her program and have them book in a consult call is – yep, you guessed it… using a Webinar Funnel.

Now here’s the thing with Webinar’s that almost everyone gets wrong.

Whenever I suggest this type of funnel to a new client, there immediate reaction is.. “so I just run a webinar and offer a session at the end as the call to action? And that’s it?…”

Well, the reality is… this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Below, I’ve included a standard webinar funnel diagram, as presented by my good mate Ricky Baldasso of Metric Driven Marketer and it looks like this:

Basic Webinar Funnel Strategy

The funnel begins with the webinar registration page and then the thank you page. Naturally they get emailed access details to the webinar, which can be accessed once its live.

If they don’t attend, they will get access to the replay. Then of course they are offered to buy our product / service, or in this case book in for a strategy session.

That’s the most basic webinar funnel strategy, and… it’s where most people get it wrong.

Here’s how we massively boosted our strategy session bookings:

Webinar Funnel for Boosting Sessions

After the registration page, we changed things up.

Instead of having the usual “thanks for registering” confirmation page, we placed a call to action on this page to book for a direct consult with Maggie.

Just after someone’s taken action and registered for the webinar, we asked them:

“Hey, would you like to fast-track the results you’re looking for? Would you like to solve this problem quicker? Book in here for a consultation.”

Then once they confirm the consult and enter their phone number, both the prospect and Maggie are sent an email notifying each other so they can book a time to speak.

At the end of the webinar, everyone on the call is again asked to book in a consult.

That’s the call to action. We don’t sell anything on the webinar, we simply get people to book into a consult who want more information. So there is 2 points of contact.

The first strategy has one call to action, and the second strategy has two, to boost consult call bookings.

Now, its one thing to know the outcome of your marketing strategy and the type of funnel you will use to execute it – BUT…

If you don’t know the numbers behind your funnel, how much you will pay for a click, a lead and then a new customer, you are already behind.

Now, obviously we will only be estimating initially, but it is best to have target goals and know the most you can pay per lead.

I start with baseline metrics I’ve developed from my years of experience and work backwards from there.

For a high ticket product, I always expect to pay a customer Cost per Acquistion (CPA) of between 10 – 20%. Lets go with the worst case and say CPA = 20% of sale value.

Maggie sells EES for $2,200 – so at 20%, CPA = $440.

Her average close rate is 1 in 4 sales calls which means she can afford to pay $110 CPL (cost per lead) to get a strategy session booked in.

If 10% of webinar attendees book in for a rewire session, the cost per attendee is $11.

This means with a 30% webinar attendance rate, we must pay $3.30 for a webinar signup.

However, given that we have the added strategy session page, the webinar registrant & attendee costs are slightly different.

Typically, I find 10% of webinar registrants will book a strategy session on the consult page. This means if we have 100 registrants, 10% will book in for a call after registering (100 calls). 30% of registrants will attend the webinar (30 people), and then 10% of those will book a call as well (3 people).

Therefore, 13% of registrants will book in for a strategy session, so the targeted cost per webinar  signup is $4.29.

Obviously all of these numbers are just estimated metrics – but the reason they are so important to begin with is they give us a baseline to measure against the results we get, which helps us to further optimise our marketing funnel.

So to recap:

EES = $2,200

CPA = $440

Close Rate = 25%

CPL = $110

CPa (Cost per Attendee) = $14.30

CPr (Cost per Registrant) = $4.29

After testing this same funnel in many niches, I knew this would generate killer results for Maggie.

Especially after calculating the baseline metrics.

The last thing we needed to develop was the “Big Idea” or the concept for this promotion. After discussing numerous ideas with Maggie, she revealed that she’d had past success marketing her 3 ways to stop emotional eating.

This was used as our initial concept and we decided we’d wait to see the results before testing other topics.

2 – Build

Once the strategy was mapped out, the next phase was to actually build the funnel. For this step, we used Clickfunnels as the landing page builder, GoToWebinar for hosting the actual webinar and Infusionsoft as the CRM.

Typically when I build a funnel, I create the tech aspects first. Then I will build the creatives like copy and design separately. Once each part is complete I will put them together.

For this funnel, I built the entire infrastructure in Clickfunnels, and then created the necessary campaigns in Infusionsoft so prospects got the indoctrination & reminder emails before the webinar. I won’t go into the technical aspect in much detail – you can find out how to build these assets out online.

What I do want to cover however, are the important conversion principles. The sales copy and design.

For the landing page, it has a very simple yet elegant design. It follows a fairly standard format with a headline, sub headline and then a call to action.

The reason the CTA is placed so high on the page is so that its optimised well for mobile. As you scroll down, you can see the date and information about the presenter, and then the bullet points on the right:


Screen Shot 2016-07-03 at 10.06.44 pm


Now, I’m a copywriter so the bullet points on the right were strategically planned.

I wrote them to not only address the pain points of the prospects, but also to intrigue them into attending the webinar.

For example, take a look at: “The secret exercise to switch off emotional cravings instantly & how to win the battle in your head with sabotaging patterns”.

You can see there are some very emotional words used. “secret, cravings, instantly, sabotaging” just to name a few. These words draw people in and get them interested in what you’re talking about. They promise to reveal strategies & exercises people haven’t heard in a fast and efficient nature.

If you’ve studied human psychology, you’ll know these factors influence a high response rate. Having great copy is the most important aspect in a sales funnel.

Moving on to the consultation page. From a design aspect you can see we went with simple, brand consistent colours and large, easy to read font.

This may seem obvious, but you’d be amazed at the amount of time I see horrendous landing page design with hard to read font.

Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 10.10.13 am

One key here is to make the Call to Action bright and easy to read so it grabs people’s attention. As far as the copy goes, I followed a simple strategy like this:

  1. Acknowledgement: Whenever you want to make people a secondary offer after they’ve just taken action, you MUST acknowledge the action they’ve taken on the previous page. Simple just congratulate them, and then say hey – if you really want results… you need to take action NOW, don’t wait etc. You’d be surprised how not acknowledging what you’ve just asked them to do can drastically affect conversions.
  2. Bridge: Once they have been acknowledged, you need to ‘bridge’ them to the next stage of your offer. This is simply by saying what I touched on above – “if you really want results and don’t want to wait – book in a consult now”. You tease them with the idea of solving the pain they are having much sooner, to get people to take action.
  3. Offer & CTA: After the bridge you will have the offer and then the direct CTA as you can see on the consult page. 
  4. How it Works: Below the first CTA you need to explain how the call works and what will happen.
  5. Filter: Filter out the people who aren’t qualified for the offer by explaining the qualifying points before the final CTA. “ie – you must be hard working, will to invest in yourself” etc, whatever applies to your specific offer. 
  6. CTA: Include your final CTA at the bottom of the page.

Now there is one thing to be aware of with this funnel, particularly when a prospect books in who hasn’t watched your webinar. If they aren’t familiar with who you are or what you offer, they’re not going to be a super qualified prospect.

When people booked in for a call with Maggie, she would counter this by sending them a replay of a previous webinar. We would also book them in for a call after the date of the webinar where possible.

That way we would ensure they watched the webinar, familiarised themselves with what Maggie did and built more trust.

These were the key design and copy aspects that helped the funnel convert. After this was completed, we finalised the tech side of the funnel.

Then all that was left was setting up the Facebook Campaign and turning on the ads. Exciting!

3 – Facebook Campaign

When it came to running traffic to the new funnel, Facebook ads were the obvious choice. I break these down in terms of the two critical factors – 1) Creatives & 2) Targeting.


For the Facebook Campaign, we had the webinar funnel strategy & the big idea for the campaign which was “3 Ways to Destroy Emotional Eating Habits”, based on strategies Maggie had developed using NLP.

I decided to put together slightly longer copy ads, given the sensitive nature of a weight loss market. I told a story about the challenges of weight loss and the solutions to overcoming them. You can see an initial draft below:


When it came to the images for the ads, I tested a range including pictures with Maggie, text, and then slightly more provocative photos, like this one:


This style of image proved to get a far better result in terms of response and signup cost.

By pairing these images with the longer form copy, they offer was incredibly clear and concise. This produced a good webinar signup cost as you’ll see below, due to highly relevant ads.


For the targeting, I created a conversion campaign and initially created 5 ad sets. These were for each audience I was targeting, which happened to be 4 different interests, and 1 custom audience – maggie’s existing client database.

The 4 interests were Weight Watchers, Michelle Bridges, Obesity Awareness & The Biggest Loser.

These interests always need to be tested. This is particularly relevant in a niche like weight loss, where the focus is on a negative quality of the prospect.

The reason for this is Facebook is primarily a social platform & people don’t go there to promote their own negative qualities. So as an advertiser you need to be more focused on how they can improve those things.

When I run ads, I create each ad set with just one interest. That way I can see which interest leads to the highest conversions for when the campaign gets scaled.

After this was set up, we started the campaign and ran it for two weeks, between November 22nd & December 5th, 2015.

4 – Results
After 2 weeks of running the campaign, we were able to analyze the results and figure out whether anything needed to be changed or tweaked from 2 webinars. The results we achieved and ROI generated proved the campaign a great success.

Facebook Ad Manager


Now as you can see, we had a 109 conversions for $4.78.

33 of those leads were straight booked in for a call on step 2 of the consult page, so we were paying $15.75 to get someone into a strategy call from cold traffic.

The other 76 conversions were webinar sign ups. This is an incredible result, and FAR below my initial goal of $110 CPL.

As you can see, the results were quite different to our estimated metrics. In fact, they were much better. We paid slightly more than our target webinar signup cost.

But far less for a session, and as you will see, to acquire a customer.

After the webinar was run, we had a total of 36 strategy calls booked in, which made Maggie’s next week quite busy – in a good way of course.

Of that, 12 sales were made. The conversion rate is much better than expected – 33% instead of 25%.

Some of these leads were a little bit less qualified because we didn’t put them through a proper indoctrination process by showing them content and then re-targeting them the webinar.

This would have helped to improve the conversion rate and lead quality. However, being the first time we’d ran the campaign, we just wanted to launch it as quickly as we could and get some results.

The breakdown of numbers, from November 22nd to December 5th shows:

– 109 Conversions: 76 Webinar Registrants & 33 Strategy Session Bookings (after the webinar, 36 sessions were booked in total)

– $520.80 spent on Ads

– $6.85 per Webinar Registrant, $15.75 per Strategy Session (CPL)

– 12 Sales @ $2,200 = $26,400

This produced an ROI of 4,969.12% – which is a great result to begin with.

5 – Analysis

After launching any new ad campaign, I always conduct a critical analysis to see how I can improve and what I can learn from what worked and what didn’t. From $520 in ads spend, to then make $26,000 is obviously not a bad result whatsoever.

Essentially there’s a bunch of reasons why this worked well, the first one I would say is emotional direct response marketing. By being direct and upfront about the problem that your market faces, and how you can solve it in a way that emotionally draws them in to responding.

I think that’s not something that’s done exceptionally well in this niche and that’s why our funnel worked very well.

6 – Whats next?

If you’re a coach or consultant and you have a high ticket marketing funnel, whether its webinar or otherwise that you want to take to the next level, then a strategy session with me is the ideal next step.

In the session we will do 3 main things:

  1. Build your marketing strategy, so you have the right funnel to reach your goals
  2. Get clear on what your big idea & offer will be so it crushes it when you launch!
  3. Develop your “baseline metrics” so you know your targets to generate a large ROI

And at the end of our session if you want me to build your funnel, write your copy and/ or run your traffic & I decide we’re a good fit to work together, awesome!

Otherwise, you’re more than welcome to take what you get from the call, write your own copy and build your funnel by yourself! Just make sure you come back and let me know the results – I love hearing about people who have huge success.

To set-up a successful funnel, it obviously take some work so to qualify for a funnel strategy session with me, your answer must be YES to the following criteria:

– I know what niche I serve & am clear on my value offer to them

– I have an initial marketing budget of at least $3K, to be invested in either Facebook ads, working with James or both

– I take full responsibility for my success and I am committed to succeeding no matter what!

If that’s you, click here to apply for a funnel strategy session with me, then after completing your application, you’ll be redirected to my calendar to schedule a time with me to chat.

I look forward to talking with you!

Also – connect with me here on Facebook!

I hope you enjoyed the read – make sure you check out more of my articles while you are here.

How I Made $17,900 in 26 Days Using a ‘Weird’ Direct Mail Marketing Strategy

I’ve been pretty pumped about putting together this post for the past week or so. I want to show you a weird direct mail marketing strategy I used in my Dance Floor business to generate $17,900 in sales in just 26 days.

Before I get into it though, let me set the scene:

On Christmas Eve, 2014, my mother – a Dance Studio Owner – told me she wanted to get a premium ballet dance floor for her studio…

But there was ONE big problem:

The flooring is insanely expensive.

So, to cut a LONG story short – I told her I would get the same flooring made myself and import it.

I won’t bore you with the details… that’s not the point of this post. You can check the entire story of what I did here.

And that’s what I did – along with my brother Geoff.

It proved to be so successful – price wise – that after we received it for mum, I put a casual ad on Gumtree (Australia’s Craiglist for those who aren’t familiar) just to see if anyone other studio owners were interested…

I just knew they had to be right?

I decided on an arbitrary price per roll – literally a figure I just made up.

I wasn’t keen to spend 10 minutes on this business unless I knew it was a winner.


I put the ad up on the Sunday when I was home in Canberra at Easter time. Before I returned to Sydney on the Tuesday, I’d received 3 calls of people wanting the floor that I didn’t yet have.

I told these 3 people I didn’t have any at the moment, but I would in 8 weeks’ time…

They said: RING ME!

I was pretty confident I was on to something here… but I wanted to test it further before I committed any resources.

If you’ve visited my site before, you might recall the Facebook Ad Blueprint I executed to Generate $70,000 in Leads from just $90 in Ads. This article outlines exactly what I did to test the concept.

It was official!

We had a winner.



Today however, I want to pick up around August 11.

This post is the crazy story of the last two months…

But before I get into it… here’s what you’ll discover:

I’m going to show you how I took things to the next level for this business with one of the oldest – and most overlooked – advertising mediums in existence – ‘Direct Mail’.

If you’re not familiar with Direct Mail, it’s exactly what it sounds like – yep, snail mail – direct mailings to your prospects letterbox.

After launching the business in June – and by launching I mean we imported and received our first load of flooring, which was 60% sold before landing and completely sold out a week later – it was time to “uplevel” and get this baby cranking.

We placed another order, 7 times as much as we’d received the first time.

To be honest… its’ as ludicrous as it sounds.

The concept looked solid, but we still had a long way to go – sales wise – before proving it to be a guaranteed winner.

Geoff decided on the quantity we’d order and what can I say… the guy just loves taking risks…

So it was now August 11.

For all my importers who are reading this, there’s nothing quite like this email hitting your inbox, when you’ve been waiting for cargo to arrive:


Arrival Email


As you can see – excitement had hit, and we were ready.

Here’s a photo of Geoff on the day we moved nearly 7 tonnes of stock into our warehouse in Sydney:


Facebook Post - 7T of Stock


So, without going on forever, we wanted a way to quickly shift some rolls of flooring so we could bank some cash and continue to grow the business.

It was that simple.

We’d continued to run the same Facebook Ads from our initial campaign, and whilst we were generating leads… well, they weren’t converting into sales.

As we would discover, probably a month later, August is a really bad time in the Dance industry as it is seasonal, and everyone is making plans for studio upgrades which they will execute at the end of the year.



Anyway… I’m sitting in the office one day, and I stumbled across a marketing strategy I’d learned from one of my first direct marketing mentors, Mal Emery.

I can’t remember how it came to mind… but that’s not important.

If you are familiar with direct response marketing, especially in Australia, then I’m sure you will know of Mal and his work.

The strategy Mal taught me was what I refer to as “The Damaged Stock Letter”.

I’d heard him speak about it at a Seminar he ran in 2014, and he’d posted the letter he wrote and a breakdown of the strategy in an online post called:

The Advertisement That Made A Small Fortune For Me And Did The Same For Some Of My Clients

In any case, here’s the big idea:

Mal was selling business training packages, and 15 years ago, when the information was sold as books and physical education products, he had an order of stock that were misprinted, but still usable.

Instead of throwing them away, he took full advantage of the opportunity to run a one off promotion to people who’d expressed interest in his training.

In his own words – he made a small fortune from the promotion.

By writing a compelling letter, explaining the situation, Mal produced a killer result.

He then went on to do it for his clients time and time again…

In fact when I first heard him explain, he talked about doing it for a client that sold Sheds…

When I remembered this and went back through it, I immediately recognised a similarity between what Mal had done and the situation I was now in.

And I thought to myself… “If this could work selling Industrial Shed’s, I’m pretty sure I can make it work…”



I didn’t mention this before – but our warehouse storage space is shared with our landlord.

Because the floor took up more space than we initially had, we were using some of our landlord’s space in the building.

At the start of September he told us we would have to shift the 15 rolls we had in his space or we would be evicted – talk about a situation!

Realistically, we could had moved them somewhere else, but we wanted to sell them anyway… so what better opportunity than to use this marketing strategy.



So here’s what we did.

We went through every lead we’d generated that had contacted us from our Facebook Ads or by referral.

To give you an idea of the enquiries our ads had produced, you can check the timeline here:

Leads Email Inbox

This was to the address on our website, but the ad linked to my personal address for the business, where we had a bunch more leads.

I checked my emails and there’s probably double what is shown above… but you get the idea…

Most of these people would request a sample so they could check out the floor themselves before making a purchasing decision.

So… we went through the list of people who had requested a sample that we had in our system. We shortlisted it down to just 30 people who we knew were interested and just needed a tiny extra incentive to go ahead with the purchase.

Geoff and I back and forth’d over what this incentive would be…

But, We had an issue.

We could easily discount the product as we had some room to move margin wise, but we didn’t want to devalue the floor.

In the end though we decided to mark down the rolls 15% to make the offer an even better proposition.

Don’t forget – this floor is already the best priced option in the market. Its incredible value.

But when you want to make sales, sometimes you need to make a compromise…


We had the offer, we had the marketing medium, and we had the strategy.

We made the deadline on the offer of September 30, and as you will see… this was perhaps the most important part of the strategy.

We also decided to limit this sale to just 10 rolls. It makes the offer more attractive, increases the urgency to take action for our prospects, and it means we aren’t losing out too much ourselves.

All I had to do now was write the letter…




There was one important part missing, and this I believe is the most critical aspect of all.

It’s what Marketers and Copywriters call… “The Big Idea”.

The Big Idea is essentially the purpose of a marketing campaign. It is the whole premise and for the lack of a better word “idea” that underpins the campaign.

The more saturated a market is, the better and more unique your “big idea” will have to be for you to achieve success.

In the world we live in with social media, Facebook, Instagram… the works, we have never been privy to as many Marketing messages as we are right now…

I love it to be honest… as a marketer I swipe down on my phone when I’m on Facebook until I get to the first ad and then swipe right and analyse every single ad…

I’m obsessed…

But the point is this:

There has never been so much noise in the marketplace as there is right NOW.

And the problem with noise is it’s harder than ever to cut through with your marketing…

Anyway. You might be wondering what my point is?

You can’t simply run an effective advertising campaign, in most cases – by just saying:

“here’s 15% off my product – come and buy it”

It’s generic as and it’s been seen in all markets thousands of times…

But worst of all…

The message doesn’t penetrate through that noise anywhere NEAR as effectively as a unique and purposeful marketing message will.

Without going on about this forever, my final point is:

Plain Discounting Devalues Your Product

How many times (I’m talking to you marketers now) have you seen someone say in a Facebook group or forum:

“I’ve got a free spot open for only one super lucky client so I’m offering a special deal today”.

More than a few times I bet…

Now ask yourself how many times have you believed that’s the real reason why they are offering a discount?

The answer is probably NEVER.

It devalues your product because it appears no one wants it so you have to reduce the price to sell it.

Its basic supply and demand really…

I did not want that here.

So, the big idea behind the promotion or the reason why we were offering our product at a reduced rate was we needed to shift the floor – because we DID.

By offering it to people who had expressed interest for a slight discount, they were actually HELPING us.

Stop and think about that for a second. The customer was helping us by BUYING.

It’s a totally different place to come from in your marketing.

Okay… you didn’t come here for a degree in the world of advertising.

But don’t forget what I’ve mentioned above, it’s really. Almost every failed marketing campaign comes back to this notion, or a lack of it for that matter…



As a copywriter, writing the letter wasn’t too hard at all, I followed a basic structure that went like this:

  1. Who I am, why I’m contacting them, and why they should keep reading.
  2. The problem I’ve got and why its best thing that’s ever happened to them.
  3. The offer
  4. Scarcity – I only needed to move 10 rolls and was only offering it for less than 30 days, this is what really drove the success of the offer.
  5. Call to Action – how to get in touch with me.

Whilst this looks really simple in theory, I spent a few days on and off, ironing it out and making sure it was really solid. I drove Geoff nuts obsessing about the detail, but hey – that’s what makes a good marketer… right?

Here’s a snapshot of my first draft of the letter:

 First Draft of Letter


By now it was Friday – 4th of September – otherwise known as “Mailing Day”.

At this point, I’d basically finished writing the letter, and it just so happened that I’d been in contact with one of my copywriting mentors – Australia’s King of Copy – Steve Plummer.

Steve and I were discussing a bunch of things – and while we were in contact, I thought I’d send him my letter and get his thoughts on the strategy.

You can see our email contact below. I included it so you could get an idea of the phases the letter went through, and also to acknowledge Steve for his help – he’s a genius.


Copy Letter - Steve Plummer


I took Steve’s advice seriously (who wouldn’t right?).


I decided to use the headline he’d suggested as it added more bite to the letter.

Would you like a copy of the letter I sent to my list of leads? You can grab it here.

We sent the letter to just 30 people.

Due to the small sample size I never split tested the headline or variants of the letter, but it certainly performed, so it didn’t matter in this instance.

As soon as I got the response from Steve, I actioned his advice and finished the letter. The day before, on Thursday the 3rd – Geoff had compiled the list of prospects, and we developed a plan for the envelopes.



If you aren’t familiar with direct mail you might wonder what there is to actually organize with envelopes, but let me run through how I send my letters’ in a marketing campaign.

It all sizzles down to a 4 step process:

  1. Big Bulky Sized Envelope – bigger than a standard envelope, so when the recipient collects there mail it sticks out.
  2. Coloured Envelope – What colour are envelopes that bills come in? And for that matter… who enjoys paying bills? Make sure your envelopes are coloured or they will never get opened.
  3. Hand Written Name & Address – The reason for writing by hand on the envelopes is so they get opened. How many utilities companies hand write on their bills? None. But Grandma always does right? So make sure you hand write the name and address if you want your letter to get opened.
  4. A Secret Tip – I love this last one, it’s a sneaky thing I learned from a mentor about how to ensure the letter gets to the right person. Get a big red “Confidential” stamp and stamp it on the front. That’s certain to scare away the gatekeeper and make sure your prospect reads the letter.

They are the 4 basic things I do when implementing a direct mail strategy. Geoff has sent thousands of letters in the past few years, so he’s become quite the expert on getting your message read, which is the name of the game in this instance.

To summarise, this is where were at on September 4.


The Direct Mail Package


Then, everything was done.

It was as simple as writing on the envelopes and sending them…

Then the waiting game began!

On the 4th of September, once again, Geoff was hard at work. Now that I look at these photos, I’m not sure what I actually did haha…


Geoff hard at work


Oh, I almost forgot – there’s one final piece missing that worked perfectly.

When I normally run direct mail campaigns, I like to put a 3D item inside the envelope, like a toy or an animate object that makes the envelope “bulky” – also known as bulky direct mail.

The reason for this is again – READERSHIP.

When mail arrives in your letterbox and an envelope is bulky and heavy, two things happen.

  1. It stands out like a sore thumb
  2. When all the mail is stacked in a pile, the other envelopes slide off this annoying bulky envelope. And you’ll want to open it and know why… because you know… curiosity killed the cat.

All of these sneaky tricks with envelopes have only one goal – to get the letter opened and read by your prospect.

Because you won’t sell a damn thing if that doesn’t happen…

However, in the case of the dance floor, I didn’t feel the need to make the envelopes bulky just for the sake of it, because the letters were being sent to qualified prospects and the envelopes were solid enough as is…


Here’s the thing with buying flooring:

Everyone wants a sample – so they can see it first.

And even though these people already had one, I knew that if I included another sample with this letter I could knock out a few goals all at once:

Firstly, the person reading the letter would have a fresh sample of the floor in case they’d misplaced it, or for some reason, hadn’t received it to begin with.

Secondly, it would stop people from not making a decision because they didn’t know what they were getting…

And finally… It created less friction. They could read the letter, get a killer offer that genuinely benefited and excited them, and then a sample of the product so they could make an informed decision.

Oh and the bulky envelope thing was an added bonus too…

So that’s what we did.

Wrote a letter, put it in a coloured, ‘hand-written on’ envelope, and sent it to a list of qualified buyers.

The result? We banked $17,900 in 26 days from 4 separate sales, cleared a bunch of our warehouse space so we could give the landlord their room back, but more importantly, got a great product out to an underserved market.

That’s what I call a WIN / WIN / WIN.



To summarise, I want to touch on why this strategy worked so well.

I’m going to start with the most overlooked part of marketing.

Far too often, people get caught up in all the ‘shiny objects’.

By that, I mean the latest strategies and technology for marketing their products and services.

Now while that is important, and the platforms we market on are forever changing, please understand this:

Your Prospects BUY Your OFFER. That is it.

I was guilty of making this mistake myself early on in my marketing days. Forget about Facebook or Google or PPC or whatever the latest cool strategy you’ve heard is, and do this one thing:


The offer I made to these people was not only hyper targeted and relevant, it was something they genuinely wanted. That’s the first key part to the strategy.

Secondly, the offer reached the intended target. Successful marketing boils down to getting the right message in front of the right person at the right time.

By having a targeted list of warm-to-hot leads and a killer offer, getting the message in front of them was the key part.

Thirdly, having a well written letter, with a solid promotional idea and a timely, relevant offer. That says it all…

Finally, and in some ways most importantly – a deadline on the offer. All of the responses came in the final week of September – otherwise I would have published this 3 weeks ago.

If you’ve read this far… I applaud you.

And I thank you.

If you want this implemented in your own business – you can contact me here.

If you want a copy of the letter – you can get one here.

Until next time…


One Simple Trick to Reduce Your Facebook Ad Costs by 40%

I wanna show you a super cool and easy way to reduce your cost per click (CPC – or Conversions for that matter) on your Facebook Marketing Campaigns.

This is a really clear example of how amazing the data is that you can get from digital marketing, and why its such a powerful medium.

In the example I am going to show you below, I was able to reduce my CPC by 40%. The best part of this though, is that I literally made only one change to the entire campaign, based on the data I had.

The reason that is important is, we know 100% that the one change is responsible for the results that were achieved.

So to set the scene:

In May, I posted an article about a $70,000 Facebook Ad Blueprint. I ran a campaign for a new business I had started, which was selling Dance Floors.

The initial campaign went great, I achieved $0.41 clicks to the ad page, and made a bunch of sales. I don’t have a calculated ROI, because it was so high that it doesn’t matter.

I must say that those results aren’t typical, it had more to do with the industry I was going into and the product itself.

To give you an idea though, from Facebook Ads, we generated $7,800 in sales from a $90 spend.

Pretty exciting – just goes to show the power of a marketing medium like Facebook.

Anyway, moving on…

Fast forward to July and things were looking great.

We had another shipment on its way and we were looking to scale things up, increase engagement, and really push the envelope.

So I decided to go into the Facebook Report Analytics from the first campaign I had run.

In the past, I had never really done this sort of thing, so I wasn’t looking for anything in particular…

But, best of all…

What I found completely SHOCKED me.

And perhaps it shouldn’t have.

The more I reflect on it now, it was very obvious, and only became clear because of the way I structured the initial campaign.

When I set the targeting up the first time around, I decided to leave the age bracket wide open, covering all ages from 21-65+, when in reality I knew that most dance studio owners would be older.

There was 2 reasons I did this:

  1. I was only really testing the idea at this point. For once, I didn’t put much research into the target audience, other than what I already knew about them. The business idea was brand new so its important in this phase to not waste time getting bogged down, and to purely see if the market would buy.[SIDE NOTE: This is a fundamental business lesson Geoff and I had to learn the hard way. Don’t waste a second “building” until your concept is proven] 
  2. The audience for dance studio owners was pretty small anyway when I just used “interest targeting”, so I just decided to let the campaign go and worry about it later.


As I mentioned previously, the campaign still went well, and at the time I was happy with $0.41 clicks.

So now its July and I’m mining the data to see what insights I can glean.

To be honest I was just screwing around, when I stumbled across the “age” option.

Much to my excitement, this is what I found:


CPC - April

You might be wondering where this came from or what I’m talking about, so let me explain:

I went into the Ad Campaign from April, opened the Facebook Adverts Report, and selected Age as the “breakdown” metric:

Age Breakdown


When I split the Age bracket open, take particular notice of the CTR (Click-Through-Rate). This is the percentage of your audience that clicked your ad and went through to the web page, out of those who saw it.

If you look extra close, you will see that the CTR is under 2.5% from 18 – 34, and well over 5% from 35 and up.

This is HUGE.

Straight away, I can see that the portion of my audience in the older age bracket is far more engaged with my content then the younger audience.

I have highlighted what I mean below:



As soon as I saw this I got super excited.

I knew that when I launched the new campaign, if I just targeted this audience, my engagement would go through the roof, and most importantly, my ad costs would go down.

Now at this point you may be thinking…

“That’s great… but if you are getting an insane ROI, why would you care about reducing your click costs by a small amount?”

And I agree with that.

In this instance it doesn’t make a huge difference to the overall impact of the marketing budget and sales funnel.

But in more competitive niches, making these kind of savings can be the difference between a conversion funnel that breaks even, and one that makes BANK.

Plus – why give Facebook more money than we need to right?

So with this knowledge in mind, I went out, duplicated the Campaign, set the targeting from 34-65+…. and I waited.

I have included the Ad I ran below, which you can also view here.

When the campaign ended, this is how the results looked:


As you can see, its pretty conclusive…

The CTR was nearly double the previous campaign, the CPC was 40% less at $0.26, the audience was far more engaged, and the ads performed spectacularly well.

As the campaign only finished a week ago, I don’t have any sales results yet, so standby for an update further down the track…

But as you can see from the screenshot of the Facebook Ad Manager, the campaign was certainly a success when compared with the previous one I ran to the same audience.


So there you have it. In summary, if you want to reduce your ad costs, deep dive into the Facebook Ad Reports, as the data you have access to is completely INSANE.

Its the easiest way that I know to get more bang from your marketing buck.

That’s all for now from me.


How To Get 10 New Leads As A Personal Trainer For Less Than $30

Fitness sporty woman showing her well trained body

Before I show you exactly how I did this and how you can do it to, let me explain the story.

‘Cause lets face it. There is ALWAYS a story…

And even when there isn’t, its still better if we pretend there is one right?

So anyway:

About 3 weeks ago, I met with a friend for lunch who just so happens to be a personal trainer.

We were in the Sydney CBD having a feed on a Sunday, and it wasn’t long before I got the chance to ask my most favourite question of all in any conversation with a business owner.

Which is of course, the only question that really matters.

“How do you get a client?”

This steered the conversation into the inevitable topic of marketing, and we discussed different strategies and mediums and all that jazz.

Eventually though, we got to my most favourite answer to this truly great question.

I hear it all the time and its’ just as good as the question is itself in my opinion.

And that answer is:

“Well, not through Facebook naturally.”

To which I lovingly respond:

“Ummm, why not?”

And, just like clockwork, I am privy to these tried and true answers:

“Social media is dead”

“Oh yeah, but Facebook doesn’t really work for getting leads or customers”

“Well it might work for you but Facebook doesn’t work in this industry”.

Stop for a second.

Let me tell you something:


Straight up.

But I still love hearing that answer!

Because I normally give myself no other option than to go away and prove it, as I have done in the article below, so stick with me.

At the end of lunch I said to my mate something to the effect of “Give me $30 and a couple of days and I’ll bring you at least 10 new leads from Facebook”.

He didn’t give me $30 or believe that I could do it, so…

I went and did it anyway.

I mean, why not?

As a result of that I want to share with you EXACTLY how to do it, and EXACTLY how easy it is (once you know what you are doing).

Now it took me a few attempts.

I had to test my Facebook targeting and change my messaging, offer and copy.

But I got there, and I’m glad that it took me a few tries because I learnt HEAPS.

So here it is, in uncovered detail….

CHALLENGE: Get 10 leads from Facebook for a Personal Trainer for under $30.

Now, firstly I want to cover off on something.

You don’t have to look far to see articles where marketers are showing how they generated 3,000 leads in 4 months or something like that.

But I purposely kept this small.

And for one main reason:


I have found in my experience that the bigger and more complicated something seems, the more it will lead to overwhelm and the less likely it is that anybody will take action on it.

So I wanted to restrict it to a few key variables.


10 Leads

2 Days.

Very simple.

When you finish reading this you should be able to go an implement the entire thing yourself.

So when I started, I literally made the fatal mistake from the beginning.

I did no research, and just went out on a whim with what I thought would work.


So this was the ad I rolled with.

First Ad

It was advertising a Free Report (which is known as a Lead Generation Report or a Lead Magnet) on how to find the perfect personal trainer.

It was targeting 30 to 45 year old professionals in Sydney CBD.

I thought those who were busy in that environment would be looking for a personal trainer and interested.

By the way, Ivy League Fitness is just a Facebook page I made so I could run the ads.

That just shows how easy it is to do this.


After running the ad for only a few dollars, I wasn’t getting the uptake I knew it should be getting.

Given the underperformance of the ad, I knew I had to change the targeting to something that was more specific.

Doing this and making the messaging on the ad more direct to that target market would allow me to reach a far more qualified audience with the ads.

So in defining a more specific segment of the market, I started asking myself questions.

What would I look for in a personal trainer?

Why would I go and see a personal trainer?

What results would I want from a personal trainer?

You may wonder why I asked myself these questions.

And here’s the reason:

A lot of the great marketers and business owners in the world sell products and services to an audience that has a problem that that owner had 5 years ago or so, and has now solved.

It is the easiest and most effective way to run a business whose marketing messages speak to the core of their audience.


Because the owner / marketer can RELATE to the audience and the person with that EXACT problem.

They know exactly what that person in their target market is going through.

They were there themselves.

They thought just like that person does now.

And they know what it takes to get out of there and solve that problem.

Now given that I am not a personal trainer and I wasn’t creating this campaign for anyone else, I just made myself the target client.

On a side note, about 5 years ago, I went on a serious diet & training routine and lost about 13kgs.

I didn’t use a personal trainer. I didn’t need one.

But, if I was going to use one now, it would most likely be for weight & muscle gain.


That is exactly who I will go after.

Young men who want to gain muscle.

Given that I am in this target market and there are a lot of personal trainers in this market, I knew it was not only a good fit, but also an example that another trainer would be able to use.

Now, due to Facebook’s somewhat stringent guidelines around advertising in the health and fitness market, I had to be careful with the image I chose.

I ended up going for one that shows a strong male physique but is partially covered.

As for the copy and message, I had to use what I call ‘power words’ that resonated with this market.

Now every market has these key words that they respond to. In this young male demographic, a large reason for wanting to gain muscle is obviously strength and looks, but also the perception of being an alpha male.

Given this, I offered a ‘Free Training Plan’ on how to develop the “Ultimate Alpha Physique”.

You can see how the ad looked below.

Second Ad

When I ran this ad I had no issues whatsoever getting the image or the copy approved.

When you clicked on this ad, you were taking to this landing page.

Which, if you don’t want to click on the link, is shown below:

Landing Page

Now, luckily, I did get my friend to agree to one thing, and that was lending me his training plan that leads would receive if they opted in.

Once I had set this up, I had to get my targeting right on Facebook.

I knew from the get go that I would be targeting 20-25 year old males, but I needed to be more specific than that.

As far as interests go, I needed to know:

What magazines did this audience read?

What websites did they visit?

What gyms do they go to?

What bodybuilders do they look up to?

What events do they support?

By making a conclusive list of these things, I was able to easily hone in on the market that I was targeting.

This isn’t a quick process. But trust me, it is a very necessary and worthwhile one.

After going through that process and honing in, I ended up with the following list of interests, which as you will see is bodybuilders and bodybuilding events:

Interests: Kai Greene, Arnold Classic, Víctor Martínez (bodybuilder), Jay Cutler (bodybuilder), Mr. Olympia

This was literally all I needed.

I was trying to keep this to a very specific niche, rather than a wider market.

With all that in mind, the Facebook Targeting looked like this:


So now I had my specific niche, the ad and landing page set up and an offer that was congruent.

All I had to do was run the campaign and see if I could get the results I needed to satisfy the challenge!

So without any further ado, here were the results:

Spend: – $28.06

Leads: – 11

Times: – < 1 day

So there you go!

Not only is it possible, its actually pretty simple.

Here is the screenshot:

Results Campaign

So as you can see, at $2.55 a lead, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be using Facebook to get more clients for your Personal Training business.

Now, let me just address one other point you may be thinking.

What does that free training plan have to do with getting personal training clients?

How is that ACTUALLY helping a personal trainer to get more people into their training business?

And the answer is very simple.

That is just the start of the process.

That free training plan is getting prospects who are interested in gaining muscle into the start of your sales funnel.

There are more steps to be implemented after sending them this training plan.

Its the very start of what I call “The Ultimate Sales Funnel For Personal Trainers” – especially if you are selling high end fitness programs to your clients.

Now – the best thing about this funnel is:

None of these steps will cost you any money.

They involve email sequences, strategy sessions, trial sessions and converting your prospects into clients for your business.

The hardest part, which is actually getting the lead, is DONE.

Now that’s not to say that every person will become a client… of course they won’t.

But you are now at least able to enter a dialogue with a potential client, once they learn more about who you are and what it is you offer.

This is the reason why advertising straight sales offers to people who don’t know you very ineffective.

At any given time, studies have shown that only 3% of your target market is actually ready and willing to purchase from you.

By offering them an exchange of value up front, you are warming up prospects who otherwise would have ignored your offer for “a free session” or a “discounted membership”.

This is a vital part of marketing, particularly in the social age we now live in.


There you have it.

The exact blueprint for generating cheap leads from Facebook.

I will add though, I believe that with some optimisation and changes that I would make to the ad and the copy, that you could get lead costs under $2. However, in this case, I wasn’t too worried as long as it met my initial goal.

But its certainly cool to know! Once this campaign has been optimised, I would almost guarantee you could get the same results for less than $20 per day.

How many clients do you think you could convert, and how much extra money could you bring in to your business if all you did was implement a campaign like this?

Its very powerful hey…

If you would like to chat to me about getting this done for your own business, whether it be in personal training or not, please get in touch with me here.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

The Facebook Ad Blueprint That Generated $70,000 in Sales Enquiries From A $90 Ad Spend

Like Card holded by hand and thumbs up

Facebook Advertising is an incredibly powerful tool.

If you are reading this I assume it’s because either you are already aware of that, or the headline caught you’re attention and now you are a little curious.

Either way, great!

For the record, I’m James and I’m a direct response marketer and copywriter based in Sydney.

In the last 12 months, I have invested LOTS of resources into Facebook Advertising.

By that, I mean time and money. Unfortunately at the start, it cost me a lot of both.

But here’s the thing:

I’m not only going to share with you what I’ve learnt below, but I’m also going to reveal to you how I generated $70,000 of enquiries in 48 hours by spending only $90.

Now I want to start by addressing one thing – YES – its enquiries.

So far this has led to $10,000 in sales with the remaining leads still to be followed up as the product has a longer than average buying cycle – and – the campaign was run 11 days ago. So stand by for an update!

Now, let me begin with my story on Facebook Advertising.

Initially, I started using Facebook a few years ago when it became the hot go-to advertising method for marketers and small business owners.

Naturally, like most things, I had to adjust to the learning curve.

As most experts will tell you, Facebook is the most advanced and precise advertising targeting platform ever.

And this is why we love it!

I started out testing and running a variety of campaigns.

This included campaigns for likes, promoted posts as well as ads to generate leads. I was initially struggling to get any sort of decent ROI and couldn’t understand the hype of the platform and the success that so many of my peers seemed to be getting.

After studying and testing the Facebook ad platform for a long time, I finally mastered the process of generating leads and turning them into customers. Not long after this, I managed to find myself in a very interesting predicament.

And this is where the story REALLY begins:

Just to back track for a second, my mother owns a dance school in Canberra – and has done for the past 10 years.

Without trying to bore you, jazz and ballet dancers actually dance on a very specific vinyl floor covering that is actually incredibly expensive in Australia. This vinyl flooring is unaffordable for most small dance school owners like my mother, who still want the best dance floors for their dancers and students.

And it just so happens that before I really got into Marketing, I ran a business in Sydney that imported different apparel and merchandise from China.

When my mother came to me complaining about the situation with her expensive flooring, I took a sample of what she needed to China with me on one of my trips, and through a business contact I had there, I was able to go to the factory that supplied the Beijing Olympics Gymnasium & Weightlifting Floors and get them to produce me a dance floor of the same standard, for a much lower price.

You may be wondering why I’m telling you all of this? Just hang with me, I promise it’ll be worth it.

Once the floor was installed in my mothers’ studio, she got all of her experienced dancing friends and students to check it out.

The decision was unanimous.

The floor was fantastic, and the price was too good to be true.

It was at this point that I was at a crossroads. I had a product that solved a problem I had been aware existed for the last ten years. Mum had regularly talked about this flooring, but for whatever reason, both my agenda and her own never totally aligned, so we only recently got around to doing this.

What this also told me, that there were other studio owners out there in the same boat, and I needed to test this concept further before I went and invested any more $$$ into it.

Which brings me right back around to the whole subject of this post:


Right away I knew this was the best platform to test out this idea and see if there was a spot in the market for it.

So here’s what I did.

I wanted it to be quick and easy and not detract from the other businesses I was involved in.
had no interest in collecting any details or educating potential prospects at this stage, I purely just wanted to see if there was interest in the market place.

So I wrote a long blog post, very similar to this, explaining the problem, the solution, how I developed it – AND – how you could get in touch with me to get some of the flooring.

Now all I had to do to test this was get my message in front of my audience, perfect for Facebook.

If you are reading this and you have used Facebook ads, or even if you haven’t, here is a tip I have had great success with.

It does depend on the industry and the product, but almost always I will use Promoted Posts over Sponsored Ads on Facebook.

Here’s the difference:

A promoted post has no length limit, so you can fit a lot more valuable content into it. Here is an ad that I wrote for a client in the finance industry.

We tested this offer as both a promoted post and an ad for a webinar that this client was running.

The reason the promoted post gets a higher level of engagement is that there is more information attached to the offer, and it looks like less of an ad than the specific ads do. The ads are limited in the amount of text that can accompany them, which can make it harder to get your offer across in some cases.

Here is the promoted post:

Promoted Post - Ricketts

Here is the Sponsored Ad:

Ad from Ricketts


To show some numbers that prove this point, I have compiled the following stats.

Over the life of running these campaigns so far, I have found that for $1 in ad spend, the promoted post reached an audience of 185 whilst the sponsored ad reached only 113 people.

Not only this, but the promoted post got more than 500% more clicks than the Facebook Ad, leading to a lower cost per lead from the promoted post.

Anyway, let me know how you go testing that method, time to move on.

Once I had written the blog post about the dance floor, I knew that a promoted post would be the way to go.

Here is the ad that I ran:

Ivy League Dance Floors

To run this Promoted Post, I had to create a Facebook Page, so I just stuck with the “Ivy League” name to keep things simple.

I posted and ran this ad off a Facebook page with 0 followers, which is also a cool side note.

It just goes to show that if you have a great product and great marketing, anything is possible, and you don’t need a large following to get a great result.

The Ad linked to the blog post, which you can read here.


The market for this flooring is predominately female dance school owners in the ages of 25-55. That being said, I left the age gap open, as I was purely testing to see what the interest was.

With the Targeting that I have demonstrated below, I was able to narrow down an audience of 210,000 women in which my target market would be contained.

So with everything set up, let’s see the results of this campaign.

Firstly, I ran 2 campaigns, one spending $60 and one spending $30. Realistically, I could have spent a lot more and generated a lot more enquiries. But given that this was more successful than I first thought it would be, I have stopped running the ads and am nurturing the leads I currently have. Once I have finalised the initial sales, I will run the ads again.

Campaign #1 – Promoted Post:

Campaign $60

With this campaign, I was able to get 170 engagements, a 4% CTR and 9/10 relevance score, which shows that the targeting for the ad accurately fitted the relevant market. $0.35 cost per engagement was significantly lower than the cost per engagement I achieved for the previous campaign I showed above.

Campaign #2 – Sponsored Ad:

Campaign $30

As you can see, I didn’t run this for too long as the ad underperformed when compared with the promoted post. I also had different targeting on this ad, running it to a wider audience that was less relevant. To compare it more accurately to the performance of the promoted post, I would have to make the audiences the same. But for now, you can understand the difference between the two.

Sponsored Ad:

Sponsored Tarkett Ad

At this point you are probably thinking “Cool. But what about the results that actually matter? Leads? Sales?”

From this $90 ad spend alone, I generated 13 sales enquiries valued at over $70,000. As I said above, I have already made some sales and am still in the sales cycle with almost 10 of these.

This campaign was so successful that almost two weeks after I stopped running the ads I was getting emails from interested parties who had heard about the flooring. It certainly was a cool experience.

So let’s break it down, why was this so successful?

In my opinion, it comes down to 3 simple, but core principles.


  1. Have a Great Product

This is something that I think is majorly overlooked in the marketing field. Whilst the latest marketing strategies are certainly important, a great product marketed poorly will always perform far better than the reverse. The product was simply a great offer at an awesome price that the market wanted.

In all of your offers, regardless of the industry, you should always be looking to give the market what they truly want. Start here and almost all of your marketing campaigns will be a raging success.


  1. Great Marketing & Copywriting

Whilst a great product that the market wants will always be the most important part of an campaign, the ability to write compelling sales copy and market brilliantly will have a huge factor on the success of the campaign.

If you go and read the whole blog post that I attached above, you will notice that it is written in a slightly controversial tone. This is exactly the vibe I was going for, as I wanted to drum up some controversy and discussion in the industry.

I have spent thousands of dollars and hours studying copywriting. Knowing how to use it will have a huge impact on the outcome of your marketing campaigns. I truly believe that this campaign would not have been nearly as successful without a well written and well marketed promotion strategy.


  1. The Advertising / Targeting Platform

10 years ago, being able to produce, test and promote this sort of strategy would have been near on impossible for the cost I was able to do it for. Not only that, but ensuring that when you are running these sort of test campaigns that they are on the media / platform that your market is hanging out on is vitally important. By selecting the right targeting as I showed above, I was able to reach my market in a simple, yet cost effective way.

The truth is there are many more details to running these campaigns. I have outlined the most important here so that you will be able to hopefully take some and apply it to your product / service and campaign.

If you would like to learn more about how to run a campaign like this in your business, come along to the Free Marketing Event I am running in Sydney on Thursday, April 30.

At the event, I will be breaking down this campaign in far more detail, as well as going through:

    • The 5 Step Formula To Getting A New Customer In Less Than 60 Minutes Regardless Of The Industry You Are In
    • The Email Marketing Campaign That Revives Dead Leads From Your Email List And Is Responsible For An Email Response Rate Of 25%
    • The #1 Wickedly Effective Skill You Must Master To Explode Your Business Growth

And, to prove this is not just another marketing event full of hype with no real world application, I will be doing something you will rarely ever see live at an event.

And that is:

  • Giving One Lucky Attendee A Marketing Makeover Valued At $2,997, Where They Will Get Their Marketing Redone Live At The Event!

That’s right. I put my reputation on the line and show that the methods that I use to grow mine and my clients businesses do actually work.

Live. No gimmicks. Just simple strategies that actually work.

If you are interested in coming along, register here for your free spot. Don’t delay as it is a small room with only 25 seats.